Mahabharat Story In English-Summary Of The Ancient Epic Mahabharata.

 Mahabharat Story In English-Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India and the other one is Ramayana, sage (rishi) Ved Vyas composed it. It is considered to be the longest epic poem, It contains 110000 shlokas (verses). Mahabharata was narrated by Ved Vyas and written by Lord Ganesha. It is about 4 times the length of Ramayana

mahabharat story in english

10 MAHABHARAT LESSONS-To Move Forward On The Path Of Success

This is a Mahabharat Story in English, Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata, it is the teaching given to  Arjuna by Krishna the supreme lord before the Kurukshetra war. This war was between Kauravas and Pandavas. A person should perform Bhagavad Katha (puja), at least once in their entire life, to achieve moksha.

The great war of Kurukshetra /Mahabharat Story In English

The story in Mahabharata revolves between two groups of cousins of the same family. Kauravas's 100 brothers ( son of Dhritarashtra) and Pandavas 5 brothers ( son of Pandu), Shakuni was an important character in Mahabharata. He was the maternal uncle of Duryodhan (eldest among Kauravas), he always filled bitterness in  Duryodhans mind against Pandavas to achieve the throne of Hastinapur.

Why Shakuni wanted to destroy Kauravas?

Shakuni was not at all happy with the proposal of Bhishma of his sister Gandhari and the blind king Dhritrashtra king of Hastinapurs marriage, He wanted to take revenge on the kuru dynasty, hence left his own kingdom and started to leave Hastinapur to destroy the Kuru dynasty. He was confident that Kauravas cant defeat Pandavas in war. but he was quite sure that they cant win the dice game. Shakuni advised Duryodhana to convince his father king Dhritarashtra to invite Pandavas to Hastinapur, to play the game. As he knew that Yudhishthira had no clue of playing the dice game.

Mahabharata Dice game summary/Mahabharat story in English

Dhritarashtra sent Vidura to invite Pandavas for the game. Vidura advised Dhritarashtra against playing the game saying gambling is evil, it leads to destruction, but Dhritarashtra did not listen to him saying that it's only a friendly game, but actually, he did not want to upset his son Duryodhana. During those days it was the dharma of a Kshatriya, to accept the proposal or war or dice game. Vidura went with the invitation to Indraprastha. Yudhisthira knew that it's wrong to gamble. But he thought King Dhritarashtra himself has invited me, if I refuse, I may displease my elders and cousins. Yudhisthira was in two minds but finally, he accepted the proposal to play. He could have politely refused, but faith often puts us in a position when we are tempted to choose the wrong path.

Game to the war of Kurukshetra

The five Pandavas, Draupadi, Kunti dressed in royal robes, moved in their majestic chariots to Hastinapur. Yudhisthira voiced his concern, before the game, I have accepted this invitation as I didn't want to displease my cousins and elders. Gambling leads to misery, I request you to reconsider not playing. Shakuni retorted O', Son of Pandu, gambling is just like war. it is played with the intention of winning. which in turn provides satisfaction for the ego, if war is a part of our life then why not gamble, do not be scared let's play, make your bet.

dice game summary/ mahabharat story in english
Mahabharat dice game summary

Yudhisthira responded okay which one of you will play with me. Duryodhana replied O' Yudhisthira I will provide the wealth needed for the game and my uncle Shakuni will play on my behalf. Yudhisthira said it's not fair to play on someone's behalf, but after few discussions, he agreed. The game started. Yudhisthira bet his beautiful pearl necklace. Shakuni rolled the dice made from his father's bones which obeyed all his commands and exclaimed! behold we won. Now Yudhisthira stakes his wealth, jewelry, Indraprastha, precious gems, chariots, again Shakuni rolled the dice and won. The stakes kept on increasing. Yudhisthira weak and desperate for victory kept playing, and the cunning Shakuni winning. He lost thousands of elephants, horses, ancestral properties, special gems called "NIDHIS".

King to slaves

Vidura again advises the king to stop the game he said O' king don't be blind for your son. Duryodhana insulted Vidura and retorted O' Vidura you have always supported Pandavas. Just take your seat let the game continue. Yudhisthira stakes his wealth, villages, ornaments, lands he owned, he lost everything one by one. Yudhisthira stakes his brother Nakula and Sehdeva and lost. Shakuni mocks and provokes, they are your stepbrothers you lost, but Arjuna and Bhima are not so, will you bet them, Yudhisthira bets them also and lost. finally, he stakes himself saying it will be unfair if I don't stake myself, He stakes himself and lost.

Duryodhana and his brothers started dancing, Shakuni laughed and said it is most painful you have lost everything including yourself, however, stake your illustrious wife Draupadi and win everything you have lost in just a shot. He replied I will stake my wife Draupadi, Shakuni rolled the dice, all the elders in the court buried their heads and palms, no one spoke, Dhritarashtra asked what happened, Shakuni roared O' king Yudhisthira lost Draupadi also. The situation was disastrous.

Draupadi's indignity

Duryodhana ordered Dushashana to drag Draupadi to the court and disrobe her. He dragged Draupadi to the court, Draupadi questions the elders my husband lost himself first or me, if he lost himself first he was a slave, did he have any right to stake me? but no one listens to her and Dushashana starts disrobing her, suddenly a miracle happens, whatever clothes Dushashana pulls, she is endowed with new clothes, Dushashana exhausts and fails. Now Draupadi curse the Kauravas but Gandhari stopped her saying. O' dear please don't curse my sons, The divine miracle scared Dhritarashtra. He releases everything won in the dicing event, and also the Pandavas from slavery

Mahabharat story in english
Mahabharat story/dice game summary

Pandavas exile

But Duryodhana dissatisfied at Dhritarashtra's act once again convinces his father for the game. Now the condition was losers will have to go for exile for 12 years and the thirteenth year of agyatvas ( without being identified ) and if they being identified in the thirteenth year will again have to go for exile for 12 years and thirteenth year of agyatvas. Once again they played the dice game and again the Pandavas lost

Yudhisthira the king of Hastinapur

According to the game condition, Pandavas along with Draupadi (wife of Pandavas)were forced to exile for 13 years. After completing their exile they wished to return to Indraprastha. But Duryodhan refused to give it back. Hence the great war took place at Kurukshetra. The war lasted for 18 days, all the Kauravas brother and their army died in the war. Only 4 of them survived on their side. All the 5 Pandavas survived and won the battle. finally, Yudhisthir crowned the king of Hastinapur. This is a Mahabharat Story in English, it’s about Kauravas and Pandavas story of Hastinapura, the great war of Kurukshetra.



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10 MAHABHARAT LESSONS-To move forward on the path of success


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