King Bharat's birth/ How is Dushyant related to Pandavas?

king bharat in mahabharat

Bharata was the son of King Dushyant and Shakuntala and the ancestors of Kauravas and Pandavas in the epic Mahabharat,  in Indian mythology he was the descendant of the lunar dynasty of the Kshatriya varna. Ancient times poet Kalidas has written a play in Sanskrit named ABHIJNANASAKUNTALAM  in this play he has written about Shakuntala & Dushyantas Gandharva marriage( its a type of Hindu marriage based on mutual attraction between two people with no rituals, witnesses, family participations.) in the forest, their alienation and their reconciliation.
King bharat birth
Dushyant and Shakuntala


According to the play, once king Dushyant went for hunting in the forest. He met Shakuntala they both fell in love & got married as per Gandharva tradition. But had to leave her at sage kanvas hermitage. He had to go as he had to look after his kingdom also, he did not take Shakuntala with him as sage Kanva was not present there. He gave her a ring as a symbol of affection and commitment to marriage. Shakuntala gave birth to a child and sage named him. ("The subduer of all") He grew up to be a very strong and fearless child. He used to open the mouth of tigers and lions to count their teeth. He played with wild animals in the jungle.

Rishi Durvasa`s curse/ Who is Priyamvada in Mahabharata?

Time passed on but Dushyant did not return. One day she was deeply thinking about Dushyant and lost in his thought. Just then sage Durvasa arrived. she did not serve him as per rishi Durvasa's expectation. He cursed her that Dushyant will forget her, but Priyamvada convinces him to take back his curse. He agrees & said that Dushyant will recognize her when he will see the ring. Shakuntala decided to go to the king's palace and started her journey.

She had to cross a river to reach the king's court, while crossing the river her ring fell in the river and a fish swallowed it, unknowingly she reached the court, Dushyant doesn't recognize her because she lost the ring. Shakuntala had no proof of her marriage, frustratedly she returned back, after few days a fisherman finds a ring inside the fish and presented it before the king, a long argument occurred between the king and Shakuntala and after listening to the akashvani ( message from the sky, celestial message) named his son BHARATA ("THE CHERISHED")


King Bharat grew to be a very strong and powerful king. He conquered and ruled the entire subcontinent of India from the sea to the Himalayas. He expanded his territories from north India to the tip of South India known as the kumari region. Now changed to Kanyakumari. King Bharata was an individualistic ruler, for him nothing was beyond his kingdom. He named his kingdom Bharatvarsha the land of Bharat.

King of Hastinapur after Bharat

Bharata married the three daughters of the king of Vidarbha. He had nine sons from his three wives but none were worthy to be crowned. because Bharata did not find qualities of a king in any of his nine sons. His three wives thought that he would consider them unfaithful queens and reject them, and therefore they killed their own sons. He chose Bhumanyu the son of Bharadwaja to give the throne. It is believed that Bhumanyu was born out of yagna performed by Bharata for the sage Bharadwaja. He ruled the kingdom well, now Bharata was relaxed.

He performed fifty-five horse sacrifices on the bank of river Ganga, seventy-eight horse sacrifices on the bank of river Yamuna.  Mamateya, Bhrumuni were the priest. He distributed great wealth to Brahmanas and many cows that each of thousands of Brahmanas had one badva (13,084) as his share.

He performed a sacrifice named masnara and gave fourteen lakhs excellent elephants with white tusk completely covered with golden ornaments as a charity. he was the Chakravarthy Samrat, he had also performed rajsuya Yagya.


He fulfilled all his duties as grihastha ( marriage and bringing up kids )  he was getting old, transferred all his duties and decided to go for sanyas, vanaprastha (renunciation, going to the forest for rest of life ) he meditated and achieved many higher stages in meditation. he was spending the last day of his life in search of moksh ( liberation).

 Who was king Bharat of Hastinapur in Mahabharat, his birth, life as an emperor his sacrifices and vanprast.

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